March 15, 2011
Present: Brian Mattiello, Chairman; Paul Summers, Secretary; Gerry Carbone; Chris
Cook; Jennifer Ives-Groebl; Gary Mercier; Cleveland Fuessenich
Also present: Brett Simmons, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation;
(ex-officio member)
Not Present: Collin Good, Mary Coutant, Jack FitzGerald (all excused)
Chm. Mattiello started the meeting at 5:05 pm.
1. Agenda Overview: Chm Mattiello reviewed the agenda topics for this meeting.
2. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Cook made a motion to approve the minutes from
3/1/11 which was seconded by Mr. Mercier and passed unanimously.
3. Meet and Greet with the Titans: Chm Mattiello reported that the City had signed
a lease with the new Titans and that the lease provides for 50% sharing with the
Commission of signage revenue after costs. Mr. Cook reported that he had positive
discussions with the Titans owners and that he believed that they would be willing to
work with the Commission. The Commission discussed that they would assist the Titans
in their efforts to obtain signage sponsors. The Commission will meet with the owners
in the near future.
4. Governance Document: Chm. Mattiello reviewed the recent changes to the
Fund Development Outline. Mr. Cook made a motion to approve the Governance
Document which was seconded by Ms. Ives-Groebl and passed unanimously.
The Commission determined that the document will be shared with the Parks and
Recreation Commission, City Council and Mayor, local teams and the high schools.
5. Fundraising: The Commission discussed that the areas of fundraising would be
Titan related items such as ticket and signage revenue sharing, an annual appeal,
Community Foundation and special events. Chm Mattiello agreed to review possible
funds with the Community Foundation. The Commission discussed possible sign
revenue including special game day signage. Mr. Cook indicated that the Titans would
be playing twenty home games and that season tickets were now available. The
Commission also discussed the possibility of requesting donations at the gate in addition
to the ticket price. The Commission further discussed an annual appeal. Mr. Mercier
agreed to obtain a list of the coaches of local teams. Chm Mattiello agreed to obtain a
list of prior donors to FPPC. Each member was asked to think of ten names of people
who would be likely to donate. Mr. Carbone agreed to draft a letter to potential donors
for the Commission to review. The Commission discussed that potential donors would
include team members, team alumni and former Titan members. Mr. Cook agreed to try
to obtain the past membership list for the Titans. The Commission also discussed that a
special event would ideally be held after the season was over and at the park. The
Commission also discussed whether a project should be selected now as a fundraising
goal. The Commission will discuss this further after the Parks and Recreation
Department has an estimate for the bleachers.
6. Next Steps and Next Meeting: Commission members were asked to think of ten
names for a fundraising request. The next meeting was set for Tuesday March 29 at 5:00
pm, tentatively at the Armory.
7. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr.
Carbone and passed unanimously at 6:25 pm.
Paul Summers